Hi! That’s me, with the red helmet, in front of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS), at CERN, where the Higgs boson was discovered. Well, I wasn’t there only to visit, but mainly to get some inspiration and knowledge for Reveal, a game about particle physics I worked on. I started this project with no clue about this subject, and that sums up the mindset I have had since I graduated in game design in 2009. I love discovering new fields and try to translate them into video game concepts. My first professional experience in serious games really aligned with this way of thinking and creating. I worked on topics such as bank loans, IT security, professional retraining etc. These days, especially on personal projects, I would like to work on social topics, while always keeping the game system at the core. I believe that it is important for a great game to have a strong message or convey knowledge, but above all, a game must be fun. Recently, I have been inspired by Persona 5 or Yakuza 7. Of course I play many games of different scales, but to me, part of what makes these games truly memorable is what I learn from them.
During my career I have also participated in talks and roundtables, mainly about “video games and science“. I often talk about how we tried to take particle physics and create a fun game about it. You can watch these talks and roundtables by clicking on this link (Youtube) or this one (audio only).
While it is not yet one of my strong points, I am working to improve my public speaking skills through giving lectures. I have taught various classes on game design basics, in French and English, in front of a variety of audiences, at Ecole Polytechnique, Learning Planet Institute, la Sorbonne and e-artsup.
One of my favorite hobbies is Ultimate Frisbee. I really enjoy this sport and its values (self-refereeing, fair play, teams mixing both men and women for instance). It is a game in which, by nature, the team is more important than the individual: it always takes two players to score a point. I started playing at the Revolution’Air Paris club in 2017, and since then I have become a coach (including obtaining a level 1 coaching degree in 2022), and co-president of the association.
I am also fond of cinema. My favorite directors are Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch, and QuentinTarantino. I enjoy discovering movies from all around the world, fresh ways to show stories, and new perspectives on various topics. On a modest level, I enjoy video and image editing, and playing with recording technologies such as 360° cameras.
Finally, I am a diligent reader of the news, mainly international politics. I can’t pretend to fully understand, remember, or make connections between every topic, that is not my field of expertise, but step by step, I aim to get to know our world and how it works better.